Chapter Two

Pedagogical infrastructure

How much do the school and its architectural and physical structure influence education?

In the history of architecture, the project of the pedagogical infrastructure has always had a fundamental role. From the Walter Gropius’ Bauhaus to the Giancarlo De Carlo’s Campus Universitario of Urbino and to the Lacaton and Vassal’s School of Architecture of Nantes, the project of the school has always been - and it still is – the medium to spread a vision of architecture and of the world. The project itself is a pedagogical and taming tool. Hence, today, how can we envision and rethink this branch of the project?


#001 Nicolae Porumbescu & Mihai Apetrei, Faculty of Architecture ‘G.M. Cantacuzino’, 1976-79

#002 diederendirrix, Vertigo, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University Eindhoven, 2002

#003 Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud, Spaarbank (former headquarters of ‘The Berlage Institute’ between 2000-2012), 1957

#004 Johannes van den Broek & Jaap Bakema, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 1970 (demolished 2008) 

#005 Ignazio Gardella, Faculty of Architecture, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, 1975-89 

#006 Álvaro Siza Vieira, Library of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1992 

#007 Emil Belluš,Pavilon teoretických ústavov SVŠT (now the STU Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology), Bratislava, Slovakia, 1948-53 

#008 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, IIT Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1956 

#009 Gunnar Henriksson, KTH Architecture School, Stockholm, Sweden, 1969 

#010 Max Ziegler & Erik Lanter / Benedikt Huber, ETH Architecture School, Zurich, Switzerland, 1976 / 1987 

#011 Alvaro Siza, Carlos Ramos Pavilion, Porto, Portugal, 1986 

#012 Kazuo Shinohara, Tokyo Institute of Technology Centennial Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 1987 

#013 Dolf Schnebli, Tobias Ammann, Sacha Menz & Flora Ruchat, EPFL Northern Quarter, Ecublens, Switzerland, 2001 

#014 Junya Ishigami, KAIT Workshop, Kanagawa, Japan, 2008 

#015 Filarete (Antonio di Pietro Averlino), Cà Granda, Università Statale, Milano, Italy, 1456 

#016 Giovanni Muzio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy, 1932 

#017 Giancarlo De Carlo, University College, Urbino, Italy, 1958 

#018 Johannes van den Broek and Jaap Bakema, AULA TU DELFT, Delft, Nederland, 1966 

#019 Vittoriano Viganò, Faculty of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 1970 

#020 Stephan Mader and Susanna Machler, Sulzer Halle 180, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland, 1990 

#021 C.F. Moller architects, The University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 1996 

#022 Vittorio Garatti, School of Ballet, Havana, Cuba, 1961 

#023 Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West (Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 1937 

#024 Frei Otto, Institute for Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart, Vaihingen, Germany, 1967 

#025 OMA, Educatorium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1995 

#026 Rudolf Steiner, Gotheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 1928 

#027 Raphael Zuber, Schoolhouse Grono, Grono, Switzerland, 2011 

#028 Anna Heringer, Eike Roswag, Meti School, Rudrapur, Dinajpur district, Bangladesh, 2007