Open Source Village Workshop

Intructor: Jason Hilgefort, David Li

Time:Jan 15-23, 2017

Brainstorming and Drafting Ideas

Brainstorming and Drafting Ideas


Background Intro:


Recently many have begun to look for ways to improve and invest in rural areas. But many are reflections of the historical views of these areas – focused on agricultural, rustic environments as tourism potentials, and all upgraded with better road and rail infrastructure. But what if we seek new ways of investing and new forms of infrastructure? We focus on bridging the cities and the rural area with Internet sharing, open source hardware, and digital fabrication that made popular with the Maker movement over the past decade.

We can insert a Fablab with the facilities to generate smart objects, furnitures, etc and provides high speed links to the repositories of open knowledge and open source projects that have been generated around the world such as POC21Wikihouse, and etc to bring the latest innovation in open source living to the rural environments.


Site Research In Xinguang Village, Huizhou

Site Research In Xinguang Village, Huizhou


Combining participants' ideas and present facts about Xinguang village,  students came up with this water-tech village idea. Based on its location in PRD, linking both Huizhou and Shenzhen, having easy access to Dongjiang river and resevoir, we want to build up this new village from water, argricultutre and technology/culture this 3 aspects.




However, our initial idea is still rough. It needs surpport and polishing. What we want to do is to link the world resources through Internet and create a future village. Hopefully, it will become a new village model that people can copy in other rural areas.